Remember When?

The Committee to build the new Port Orford Community Center invites you to share a fond memory of an event you attended in the Community Building and/or the American Legion Hall.  There have been so many wonderful programs and events over the years—the whole building shaking with music and dancing, the tantalizing fragrance of barbecue chicken pulling folks in by the dozens, and storytellers, magicians, and darn good plays happening on a regular basis. 

All this, and much more, will happen again when our new Community Center is finished. There will be a much better stage with a proper green room. There will be regular restrooms (not the two-holers we have now), lots of storage room, and an updated kitchen facility.  There will be room for big conferences, seminars, debates, craft fairs, quilt shows and….well, just imagine.

Tell us about your best time in the good old buildings and help generate excitement for the new and much-improved buildings.  Remind us of how good it’s going to be to have a Community Center we can proudly call our own.  One we will build together.  Send us your memory (words, photos or both).  Please note that we may use your story or photo on our website or in a grant proposal so let us know if that is not okay with you.  Thanks for the memories.