Community Building Renovation

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Do you love where you live?
Do you have pride in your community?
Do you want to see Port Orford get a facelift?

The new design will include:

  • Facelift of the front of the bldg
  • Revamped stage
  • Upgraded restrooms
  • More…

Remember When?

The Committee to build the new Port Orford Community Center invites you to share a fond memory of an event you attended in the Community Building and/or the American Legion Hall. 

There have been so many wonderful programs and events over the years—the whole building shaking with music and dancing, the tantalizing fragrance of barbecue chicken pulling folks in by the dozens, and storytellers, magicians, and darn-good plays happening on a regular basis. 

Building update

The Community Center Friends and the City of Port Orford are pleased to announce that two grant applications for renovation of the community building and the American Legion Hall have been submitted to private foundations.

They are:
$50,000 to T-Mobile
$20,000 to Oregon Community Foundation.

And so we begin the work of raising the $400,000 needed to complete the renovation. Just $400,000, so let’s get going everyone. We can do this!

Family Fun Day – Back on the Schedule!

Mark your calendar for Saturday, September 14 so you won’t miss Family Fun Day at Buffington Park. This day of golf, food, music and games is put on by CommunityCenter Friends and Port Orford Rotary to raise the last bit of money needed to renovate the Port Orford community building and American Legion Hall.
The fun begins at 11am when the first group tees off in the Community Putt-Putt tournament.